Dawn Marie Hooks holds a Bachelor of Arts in Education, a Master of Science in Education, and a current teaching certificate with endorsements in early childhood education, special education (K-12), and elementary education. She has been teaching and presenting for over 20 years in a variety of settings — private and public schools, universities, homeschool cooperative groups, and privately. Currently, she teaches privately and is a guest presenter for schools, teachers, and parent groups.

Dawn Marie Hooks customizes author/illustrator visits for the specific needs of the school and curriculum. After reading one of her books, Dawn shares with students how she turns her ideas into books. She brings samples of rough drafts, revisions, original sketches, and artwork. She loves motivating students to put their ideas on paper! For details, see School Visit Information.
Dawn teaches privately, one-on-one or in small groups, working with kindergarten through 12th grade students. Dawn’s favorite subject to teach is art (sketching, painting, design, etc), but she also enjoys teaching academic subjects (writing, science, math). Dawn plans, teaches, and evaluates, creating her own curriculum or working with parents to choose curriculum that meets the specific needs of the student(s).

Designing each presentation to meet the needs of the group, Dawn speaks to children, parent groups, and teachers. She covers different aspects of writing and illustrating — story ideas, characters, setting, the writing process, fiction, nonfiction, or teaching with picture books, etc. She also presents on topics from her books such as adoption, family, grief and loss, the five senses, or blindness. Please contact Dawn for requests to present.
Sample of Dawn’s Presentations:
Spring 2025 Art, Drawing, & Design at Branches, Phoenix AZ
Spring 2024 Poetry Workshop at WSSB, Vancouver, WA
Fall, 2023 Writing Workshop at WSSB, Vancouver, WA
March 21st, 2022 Author Visit, Creating Memorable Characters at Washington State School for the Blind, Vancouver, WA
March 25th, 2017 Author Visit (Characters and Setting) at Riverview Elementary, Vancouver, WA
December 3rd, 2016 Guest Author/Illustrator at Barnes & Noble Book Fair, Vancouver, WA
April 18th, 2016 Guest Artist at the ACSI Art Fair, Vancouver, WA
January 14, 2015 Adoption panel at MOMS group
May 7, 2014 Grief at Single Parents’ Group, Vancouver, WA
March 8, 2014 Author/Illustrator Read-Aloud Event at Little Cups & GrownUps Play Café Click to read an article about this event.